Change takes commitment. To move forward with anything you must be committed. There is a story that was told a long time ago of a small boy who challenged a giant. Maybe you have heard the story…perhaps you haven’t. It goes like this…
A young teenager was out tending to his father's sheep because his brothers were at war. He was the runt of the litter, so to speak. The youngest and the smallest. One day his father was curious about the war and wanted to know how his older sons were faring. So he sent this young man—loaded with supplies and food from home—to check on his brothers.
When the small shepherd boy arrived, he found the army at a standstill. The enemy had within their ranks a giant who was standing in the valley, mocking and challenging the army of Israel. He called their God weak, and suggested that they were cowards. Everyone wanted to see this giant go down, but no one would take this nine-foot bully on. The battle terms were set. If one of Israel’s warriors could defeat the giant, the enemy would surrender.
This challenge remained unanswered for some time before the shepherd boy came on the scene, but when he heard it, his young heart was insulted that no one from Israel—from “God’s Army”—had stood up to this giant brute.
As you may have guessed, the small shepherd boy’s name was David. This kid may have been small, but he was by no means threatened by the giant. David walked straight to the king’s tent and told him that he would be willing to fight this enormous champion soldier from the Philistine army, even though he could easily be killed.
What was he thinking? The Bible says that the thought of this giant insulting God and His people even a moment more was too much for David. His heart was moved. His passion was strong, and his faith in God was massive.
David eventually marched down the valley with no armor, a sling and five stones. And the heart of a champion warrior for God. That day God was victorious. David killed the giant with one stone, and then cut off his head.
David was committed. He did not walk toward the giant and then cower and run the other way. He walked toward Him with the confident knowledge of a committed victory.
What are you committed to? Do you succeed at those things? When we are committed we become victorious. When you combine that with trust in God’s abilities, you can do the impossible.
Often we cower at a challenge in our path, but I want to challenge you that if you decide to commit, even when the trials come you will have the strength to get through.
Phil 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
When Peter walked on water, his eyes were on God’s. He had faith and trust. Only when he took his eyes off of Jesus did he sink. When David walked toward that giant, I bet he too had his eyes on Jesus. Sure, he was committed, but he also knew that it was God who would give him victory. When you are facing obstacles, stand in unwavering commitment, knowing that with God all things are possible.
If we want to see a change in your life you also need to commit to doing what it takes. Growth is a process. Change is commitment.